All time friends--that you'll never forget!

I graduated from a very large class. It was 1970. I’m not exactly sure how many students there were on the day of graduation, but I believe that it was between 7 and 800. That’s an awful lot of friends to remember. Of course, the friends from grade school stand out the most in my mind.
      I don’t want to name specific people, but there were a few girlfriends that we lost our connection once we moved up to Sanford Junior High and then onto Roosevelt High School. At Sanford, we still kind of saw each other but with so many schools funneling into Roosevelt, the friendship was lost.
     There were several sets of twins. I lived next door to a set but we didn’t connect until our fortieth reunion. How sad. Now, we’re friends on Facebook. Then, there was my bestie who moved when we were in fifth grade to Richfield. We stayed in contact for a few years but then life got in the way. I still remember spending the weekend at her place for the first time after her move. It was the time of President Kennedy’s assassination. The only thing on television was about the shooting and Air Force One delivering his body to Washington D.C. With my friend, we witnessed the salute of John Jr. when his father's coffin appeared on the screen.  Fortunately, we’ve been able to reconnect and see each other upon occasion. Without Facebook, this never would’ve happened.
      I’m not trying to sing Facebook praises but it’s brought myself and two other friends together, albeit, virtually. My maid of honor now lives in Phoenix and I haven’t seen her in years but I’d like to someday soon. The same is true with the second of our trio. She lives here in Minnesota but in the southern section of the state and I’m in the north. She sang so pretty at our wedding. Facebook now has the three of us conversing.
      I absolutely love my life-long friends. Someday soon, I’d like for the three of us to sit down and just talk. We’d discuss our children, families, hopes and dreams, and what we’d still like to accomplish or see in what’s left of our lifetime.
     What friends do you miss? Who would you like back in your life?
     In my new book, The Broken Circle, you’ll discover how love will conquer all.


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