Thanksgiving tradition in the White House: the pardoning of the Turkey!
Throughout history, more than twenty turkeys have been pardoned at the White House, and President Trump will pardon one more. Rumors and mythmakers thrust the clemency onto Harry S. Truman, but it’s true. The pardoning of Tom Turkey can be traced to Abraham Lincoln, believe or not! In 1865, Tad pleaded on behalf of a holiday turkey and his father granted clemency. The moment was reported by White House dispatcher Noah Brooks. Turkeys were donated from a Rhode Island poultry dealer, Horace Vose. The tradition began in 1870, and held until his death. In 1921, Harding Girls Club in Chicago outfitted the turkey as a flying ace, complete with in 1925. First Lady Grace Coolidge accepted a turkey from a Vermont Girl Scout. Harry Truman was the first president to receive a turkey from the poultry and egg board. There was some kind of ‘thing’ going on from September to November 1947, about ‘poultryless Thursday’, and the White House was flooded wi...